California Poppy (Eschscholtzia) - Mixed Colours (Seeds)
Tons of dainty, double flowers in pink, scarlet, copper, orange and yellow are produced on this very free flowering heirloom flower. Finely cut grey-green foliage nicely compliments the flowers. Plants grow to about 30 cm (12″) in height and are superb for use in bouquets and arrangements. Flowers from early summer right through to frost. Amazing results in the driest of conditions! California Poppy is considered to be a short lived perennial. It is however only winter hardy to Zone 8 so it is grown as an annual in Canada.
How to Grow
Directly sow seeds into the garden about 3-6 mm (1/8-1/4″) deep where they are to bloom. Space seed about 15-20 cm (6-8 “) apart in an area with full sun and light sandy soil. Lightly cultivate and keep the soil moist until germination occurs. California Poppy is intolerant of transplanting so do not attempt to start this seed early indoors. California Poppy can re-seed itself but it is not considered invasive.