Dianthus Chinensis - Double Mix (Seeds)
Heirloom Flower. This flower is an old fashioned favourite with deeply frilled and sweetly scented double flowers. Tidy plants produce their fragrant flowers in clusters with pinks, reds and white predominating. Plants grow to 40 cm (16″) in height. Extended flowering is encouraged by timely dead-heading.
How to Grow
For early flowering, it is best to start this plant indoors in March. Sow seed in a soil-less medium 3 mm (1/8″) deep. Germination takes 10 days at a temperature of 21 C (70 F). Grow-on under lights at a cooler temperature of 10-13 C (50-55 F) then harden off and transplant out in mid to late May. Direct seeding can be done in mid to late May. Thin seedlings to 25 cm (10″) apart when they reach 5-8 cm (2-3″) in height. Plants do best in full sun but will benefit from some shade in areas where summers get quite hot. When flowering begins to fail, plants can be sheared back to help promote a second flush of blooms. Pinks do best in well drained soil – wet soil should be avoided.