Eucalyptus - Baby Blue (Seeds)
Approx. 15 seeds/pkt
Perfect as a container plant or grown as a point of interest in the garden. Beautiful silvery blue foliage makes a pretty counterpoint in fresh or dried flower arrangements. Leaves have a lovely mint or menthol-like fragrance – even after cutting and drying. In one season plants will usually grow between 60-90 cm (24-36″) in height. This very tender perennial (Zones 9-11) is grown as an annual in all of Canada. It can be brought indoors in early fall and in some cases it can grown on as a houseplant through the fall and winter. It can then be put back outside with the return of warm weather in the following year.
How to Grow
This easy to grow tender perennial is grown as an annual. Sow seed 6 weeks early indoors about 3 mm (1/8″) deep using soil-less mix in separate peat pots. Seed will germinate in 10-14 days at 21 C (70 F) – keep growing medium moist during the germination period. Grow on under lights at a cooler temperature of 16 C (60 F) then harden off and transplant outside to the garden or containers after the danger of frost has passed.