Coneflower Purple (Echinacea Purpurea) (Seeds)
Pretty, long lasting, daisy-like blooms of light purple with contrasting centres of dark maroon. Tall, stately plants average 1 m (39″) height. A little afternoon shade seems to help flower persistence in the garden. Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions except continually wet soil. Hardy to Zone 3.
How to Grow
An outstanding perennial that is very easy to grow. Loves full sun but will tolerate partial shade. Attracts beneficial insects such as pollinators and butterflies. Seeds are an important late summer and early fall food source for Gold Finches. There is a rich folklore associated with Echinacea, attributing extracts of its roots with the ability to heal the common cold. This robust perennial will turn heads wherever planted and withstand more heat and drought than most. Sow outdoors September through October or start indoors Feb to Mar 1st for bloom the first season. Indoors use a soil-less growing medium and keep the container at 20-25 C (70-80 F) for the 10-15 day germination period. After germination grow on under lights at a slightly cooler temperature. When planting out after hardening off the seedlings, select a site in full sun with good air circulation.