BTK Insecticide For Caterpillars Concentrate 100ML
Kills all types of caterpillars and worms.
Active Ingredient
Bacillus Thuringiensis var Kurstaki
Directions: Continue filling the sprayer with water until the correct amount of spray solution is produced. Shake sprayer periodically during use to ensure product is properly mixed. Use within 12 hours of mixing. May be applied through any standard back-pack or hand-held sprayer. DO NOT allow spray mixture to stand in the tank for more than 18 hours. DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning or equipment or disposal of wastes. As this pesticide is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
Application Rate: Add 30 mL of concentrate to 10 litres of water. 10 L of spray solution will cover approximately 100 square metres. Spray all leaf surfaces thoroughly to provide good coverage without runoff. Repeat if required 7-10 days later.
Vegetables & Fruits: On Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Spinach and Tomatoes for control of Cabbage Looper, imported Cabbageworm and Tomato Hornworm. In greenhouse plantings of Cucumbers, Peppers and Tomatoes for control of Cabbage Looper. On Raspberries, and on Pears and Apples for control of Leafrollers. Mix 30 mL of BTK™ concentrate in 10 litres of water and spray all leaf surfaces thoroughly to provide good coverage without run-off at first sign of infestation. Repeat at 7-10 day intervals, if required.
Shade Trees & Ornamentals: On Shade trees and ornamentals for control of Spring and Fall Cankerworm, Tent Caterpillar, Satin Moth, and Gypsy Moth. Mix 30 mL of Safer’s BTK™ Biological Insecticide concentrate in 10 litres of water and spray all leaf surfaces thoroughly to provide good coverage without run-off when leaf expansion reaches 40-50% and caterpillars first appear. Repeat in 7-10 days, if required.
Evergreens: On Evergreens for control of Spruce Budworm, Jack Pine Budworm and Eastern Hemlock Looper. Mix 30 mL of Safer’s BTK™ Biological Insecticide concentrate in 10 litres of water and spray all leaf surfaces thoroughly to provide good coverage without run-off when caterpillars first appear. Repeat in 7-10 days, if required.