CIL Bio Weed N Feed 9-0-0 9kg
9 kg (19.8 lb)
1 000 sq. ft.
- With 90 % corn gluten meal
- Prevents weed seeds from germinating
- Thick, green turf with no risk of burning
How to use
- To inhibit weed seed germination, use in conjunction with a sound lawn maintenance program.
- Apply product with a fertilizer spreader in a criss-cross pattern. Use half the content in each direction. Weeds that are established at the time of application will not be inhibited.
- Do not apply the product on newly seeded grass as it may inhibit grass seeds from germinating. Wait until after first mowing when root systems are established.
- If over-seeding or re-sodding in the spring, do not apply the product in the spring. If over-seeding or re-sodding in the fall, do not apply the product in the fall.
When to apply
- Apply to established turf twice a year, once in the early spring two weeks before weed seed germination, and once in late summer or early fall after heat stress has passed.
- Apply when soil is moist and when rain is forecast within 2 days of treatment. If rainfall does not occur within 2 days of treatment, irrigation is required.