Weeds and grasses can ruin the look of your property when they sprout in flower gardens, on patios, driveways, sidewalks, along fences and much more. They’re tough and tenacious and are often really hard to get at. What to do? Get Wilson WIPE OUT Total Weed & Grass Killer with Battery Sprayer.
The spray works efficiently with long-lasting effects, killing weeds such as dandelions, plantains and ragweed right down to the roots -- with no regrowth. The battery-powered sprayer can be used to spray large areas or to propel the liquid into hard-to-reach places, making weeding a lot easier on the knees and back. This is the kind of power trip you want to be on.
Repeat application every 2 to 3 weeks to control new weeds growing from seeds and regrowth from biennial and perennial weeds.
Best results obtained with young, actively growing weeds.
For mosses, algae, liverworts and lichens, one application may last up to a year.
Do not apply to lawns or to desirable plants because of risk of damage. For spot control of weeds in lawns, we suggest using Weed Out